What is a lumbar artificial disc replacement?
This procedure involves replacing the worn and degenerative intervertebral disc in the lower back with an artificial disc that mimics the movement of your natural disc. This is an alternative to the more traditional lumbar fusion.

Why do a lumbar disc replacement vs a fusion?
There are many advantages of doing a disc replacement rather than a fusion of your lower back.
- Maintain your lower back motion: a fusion operation fuses the bones in your lower back, causing you to lose motion in that area of your spine. Alternatively, a disc replacement helps you to maintain your motion.
- Lowers the chance that you will need additional spine surgery in the future: when spinal segments are fused, there is a chance that the loss of motion in the fused segment adds stress on the levels above or below the fusion, which may cause those levels to break down faster. A disc replacement allows you to maintain your motion, thus decreasing the chance that the levels above and below this site break down.
- Quicker recovery: a fusion operation fuses the bones in your lower back which can take anywhere from 8-12+ weeks to fuse together. Whereas in a disc replacement, there are no bones that need to fuse together meaning you can return to activities and the things you love to do sooner.
Frequently asked questions
What should I expect after surgery?
After surgery you will be transferred to the recovery room, also called the PACU (post anesthesia care unit). After you have awaken from the anesthesia, you will then be transferred to your hospital room. This is typically when your family members can visit you.
Either the same day or the following morning after surgery, a physical and/or occupational therapist will begin your therapy. During your hospital stay, you will be given medications to help with pain and IV antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection. Most patients go home the same day of surgery but some patients may spend 1-2 nights in the hospital and are discharged home after:
You are tolerating a diet
Your pain is controlled
After you have worked with and passed physical therapy.
Walking after surgery is highly encouraged, even the same day of surgery!
What kind of recovery can I expect after surgery?
Recovery from lumbar disc replacement surgery generally takes 6-8 weeks, but patients continue to heal for up to a year after surgery.
When can I return to work and/or activities?
Walking is highly encouraged, immediately after surgery and throughout your postoperative period. Most patients can return to a light desk job or household activities by 2-3 weeks after surgery. Patients with jobs that require heavy lifting, strenuous labor, or high impact activities such as running, biking, skiing, sports will not be allowed to return until Dr. Webb clears you, usually around 8-12 weeks.
What complications should I be aware of?
Inadequate relief of symptoms
Dr. Webb is very particular about making sure we target the right level of your spine that may be causing your symptoms.
Inadequate relief of symptoms after surgery could be due to a number of things including: multiple levels that are degenerated or worn out that will not be addressed in surgery, surgery done on the wrong level, or advanced and severe spinal cord compression that may be irreversible.
Injections are confirmatory and are very predictive of how well you will do with surgery. These spinal injections, usually done before surgery in the conservative treatment period, are essential in determining which level of your spine is the cause of your symptoms.
Just because you have multiple degenerated areas of your spine according to your imaging studies (MRI, X-ray, etc.), does not mean every level needs an operation.
Nerve damage, causing leg weakness or pain
There are small nerves that control the muscles in your legs and foot that are close to where Dr. Webb will be working. Dr. Webb carefully works around these nerves and ensures they are not damaged during surgery.
If these nerves become irritated during surgery (sometimes just by touching or moving them), these nerves may cause pain for weeks to months after surgery until the nerve recovers. During this time, Dr. Webb may prescribe you nerve medication or steroids to help calm the inflammation down.
Dural tear
The dura is the outer layer of the spinal cord. Sometimes, this layer can be especially thin in certain patients and very friable. During surgery, if there is a small tear in this layer, Dr. Webb will attempt to repair it. This is a not a very common complication, but definitely one that needs to be known.
Sometimes after a dural tear is repaired, Dr. Webb may ask that you lay flat for 24 hours after surgery. This is done to give the repair time to heal and to ensure his repair does not come apart.
Fortunately, multiple studies have shown that having a dural tear repair does not affect your outcome from surgery.
Very low risk (<1%) but this risk is increased if you are overweight, immunosuppressed, on chronic steroids, or diabetic.
Antibiotics will be given before surgery starts and also given for 24 hours after surgery while you are in the hospital to decrease the risk of infection.
Very low risk, but increased if you are taking blood thinners, fish oil, herbal medications or have a clotting disorder.
These medications will need to be stopped before surgery.
Sometimes, a special tube called a drain will be placed during surgery. This tube is to collect any blood or fluids that can collect after surgery. This drain will be removed before you leave the hospital, usually the next day after surgery.
Spinal cord or Nerve damage
Low risk
A neuromonitoring technician is a professional trained in the monitoring of your nerves and spinal cord.
This person (along with a Neurologist) is part of the team that will be taking care of you during surgery and will help Dr. Webb monitor your nerves and spinal cord throughout the procedure.
You will be able to meet this person the morning of surgery and ask any questions about their role in your care.
Generally, after you are asleep from anesthesia, this technician will place small wires on your legs and arms so that the nerves and spinal cord and be monitored during surgery.