Spine Surgeon in San Antonio
About Dr. Antonio Webb
Dr. Antonio Webb is a fellowship trained and board certified San Antonio Orthopedic Spine Surgeon who specializes in all medical conditions related to the spine including degenerative, deformity, trauma, cervical/lumbar arthroplasty, and minimally invasive spine surgery.
Dr. Webb spent 14+ years of his life (4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of orthopedic surgery residency, and 1 year of spine surgery fellowship) dedicated to honing and perfecting his surgical craft. He has been in practice since 2020 and welcomes patients to his practice who struggle with spine pain and who are looking for a solution.
Growing up in Shreveport, Louisiana, it wasn’t until he attended a Medical Careers Magnet Program in high school that he envisioned his life outside the streets of Louisiana as a doctor. To make this dream a reality, he joined the United States Air Force at age 17 and spent 8 years as a medic and LVN (licensed vocational nurse) in the military including a tour north of Baghdad, Iraq in 2005 to a forward operating base dubbed “Mortarville” for the frequency of mortar attacks it endured. His unit treated just over 800 patients while in country and survived over 100 enemy mortar attacks during their deployment, while also earning several medals of distinction in the process.
After his highly decorated 8 year career in the military, Dr. Webb went to medical school at Georgetown University where he developed a keen interest in Orthopedic Surgery. During medical school, he was fortunate to spend a month doing surgery and emergency medicine in Monrovia, Libera (West Africa). He then completed a 5 year Orthopedic Surgery residency at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. In addition to his surgical training at UT San Antonio, Dr. Webb also spent time doing orthopedic surgery in Port Au Prince, Haiti on two separate occasions and in 2018 he was awarded an AO trauma fellowship that allowed him to spend a month doing trauma and spine surgery in Bangkok, Thailand.
Dr. Webb continued his training to subspecialize in Spine Surgery with a combined Neurosurgery and Orthopedic Spine Surgery Fellowship at Texas Back Institute (TBI) in Plano, Texas. TBI is a leader in artificial disc replacement and was the first practice in America to implant an artificial disc replacement. Dr. Webb co-authored articles on cervical and lumbar artificial disc replacement while refining his surgical skills over that year.
Dr. Webb presently holds the position of lead practitioner in spinal surgery at the South Texas Spinal Clinic located in San Antonio, Texas. Furthermore, he has achieved the distinction of being recognized as the top-rated spine surgeon on YouTube.
More About Dr. Webb
Why Fellowship Matters
During his fellowship at TBI, Dr. Webb learned how to utilize a multispecialty approach to treating the spine. He worked closely with therapists, interventional pain specialists, 16 Orthopedic spine surgeons and 3 Neurosurgeons. He took the best practices from all his mentors, in each specialty, to formulate his own unique approach to spine care believing that conservative treatment is the ultimate goal, using surgery only as a final and last resort.
In 2020, Dr. Webb was named a top 20 spine surgeon under 40 by the North American Spine Society (NASS) and also awarded Top Doctor by Texas Monthly.
In his off time, he enjoys spending time with his family (wife and 3 boys), traveling, and videography/cinematography.
Dr. Webb is the founder and President of The Webb Family Foundation, a 5013c non profit with a mission to help
increase diversity in medicine, specifically orthopedic and spine surgery.
Contact: Dr. Webb